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Coffee with Claire #27 – Commonly Asked Questions Blog Series

September 13, 2018
What is Spousal Maintenance?

Writer’s note: This blog series is meant to act as responses to “quick” questions you may have for attorneys.  Think of these answers as a “quick” answer you might receive over coffee from your friendly neighborhood attorney.


In Minnesota, spousal maintenance (or alimony) is governed under Minn. Stat. §518.552.  Spousal maintenance allows for one spouse to financially support the other spouse after a divorce.  Spousal maintenance can last a long time, or a short time; for a large sum of money, or a small sum of money. For one spouse to receive spousal maintenance, two things must happen:

First, the spouse must show a need: their expenses are greater than their income; and

Second, the other spouse must have extra money after their expenses are met.

This may sound simple, but there are many things that go into this determination: length of the marriage, age and ability to work by both spouses, work histories, what happened during the marriage, and several other issues.

Additionally, there is no “formula” for determining how long or how much the receiving spouse should receive spousal maintenance.  Each marriage is different, so each case will be different.

If you have questions about a divorce proceeding, please contact Claire Tralle to set up a free initial telephone call.


The information in the Coffee with Claire series are intended to provide information only.  No legal advice is being provided or implied via this blog post.  No attorney-client relationship is formed by providing this information.  An attorney-client relationship with Tralle Law, LLC is formed only after a retainer contact is signed by all parties.


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